Flute Tips
Flute Tips | Year End Concerts and HSC Repertoire Ideas
Putting together a program for a concert can be lots of fun but also surprisingly challenging. Here are some suggestions to take into consideratio...
Flute Tips | Selecting repertoire for AMEB exams
Need suggestions for suitable repertoire for your student's AMEB exams? Fluteworthy's collections comprise over 60 works listed on the AMEB Flute Syllabus and are suitable for grades 2 to 5. We also have an incredible resource on our YouTube channel of free piano accompaniments to help you get started.
Flute Tips | Choosing an Australian Piece to play for your HSC or VCE
The Australian Music Centre has the largest collection of scores, recordings and analysis relating for the New South Wales HSC mandatory topic Music of the Last 25 Years (Australian focus) and the Victorian VCE Music Study and Design.
Flute Tips | Lamorna Nightingale talks about teaching music theory
What to cover in your flute lessons. Lamorna says, 'Most of my students don't do music at school and only have the basic music theory that I teach them as part of their lesson. This means there are often gaps in their learning which only become apparent when we start preparing General Knowledge and Aural for their AMEB exams.'
Flute Tips | Getting back into playing after a break
Lamorna Nightingale say, 'The most effective way of getting back into practice after a break is to remind yourself why you love the flute. Get your flute out and start with old favourites, things that you love playing and aren’t at all challenging.'
Flute Tips | Lamorna demonstrates from Practical Routines
Lamorna plays Handel's Bourree from Practical Routines for Flute. See the Fluteworthy YouTube channel for more demonstrations.
Flute Tips | Christine Draeger talks about the sound of the flute
The sound of a flute is special; it is a sound loved by musicians and non-musicians alike. As flute players we compare our sound with other flute players’ sounds and we tend to develop a consensus among ourselves about what constitutes a good sound. But what about the broader musical community? How does the flute fit into the wider sound world of orchestras and chamber music?
Flute Tips | Jocelyn discuss' lesson planning
Given the enormous diversity of students, it is not always easy to come up with the ideal approach for every individual. The system which I have found works best for me is one that looks at multiple layers of considerations, with necessary flexibility appropriate to every person.
Flute Tips | Christine's advise on learning how to practice
When I was a young student I didn't know how to practice but I loved playing the flute. So my practice consisted of playing the pieces I loved and skimming over the bits I couldn't play. I remember thinking that I would probably be able to play the hard bits if I practiced them enough but I wasn't sure how to actually do it.
Flute Tips | Christine talks about playing in an ensemble
When I first heard a flute (on TV, not live) I was captivated. I wanted to play the flute. Luckily my school had some flutes so I was given one and allocated a practice room with two other keen beginners. We didn't have a teacher. We taught ourselves the basics and played simple duets and trios.
Flute Tips | End of Year Flute Teaching Ideas from Fluteworthy
With exams over these last couple of lessons can be a good time to try out some other approaches to learning and just have a good time making music. Here are some activities to spark your imagination and make it through to Christmas!
Flute Tips | Tone Colour - what is it? from Christine Draeger
When you are a beginner, the flute just sounds like a flute and it takes time for your hearing to be able to discern subtle differences. You can obviously hear the differences between high and low or loud and soft. But at these extremes there are also qualities which we describe as "colour".